
Looking for Trainers/Coaches

CSA Dedication to Youth Developmental Soccer - Unlike many other professional organizations, CSA  is dedicated to training players and coaches in the both the travel and recreation program so that the building blocks of soccer fundamentals are instilled at an early age. - Programs are designed to meet individual, Teams and Club goals.

Clubs Professional Training: Including alliances with Mahopac club , E.Fishkill club..CSA is announcing an exciting new alliance with Brewster FC as of Spring 2019..A developmental program for Recreational and Travel team players. This alliance means that CSA professionals will partner with our volunteer coaches to provide training to our youth at the recreation and travel team level. 

Our primary focus is on the development of player values; including commitment to excellence, sportsmanship, as well as technical, tactical and team skills required to fulfill potential and progress to the highest level of play.

Trainings are offered at your location or our location:(includes your club, school, park fields, Gyms and your backyard)

Coaches Clinics: Clinic is designed to teach coaches all the skills needed to effectively coach and train youngsters. Complete individual and team training will be stressed and the core of the clinic. Also offered at your location or our location:

Mini - Camps: This program is offered to mostly Travel Teams that just added some new players and are looking to train together as a team for 15 hours or more in preparation for Fall league seasons and beyond. Training includes a lot of individual and team skills needed for players to be able to play all field positions. At the end of the camp, coaches will be advised on best field positions per player and best team formations.

For all training prices and requests - please contact Chris Obi. Text or call  845-282-0334. Email:

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